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Message From The President

By November 12, 2021September 25th, 2023No Comments

The formation of the Asian College of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) was founded on the vision to promote the professional development and practice of Exercise and Sports Science (ESS) across Asia. The scope of this vision would include, but is not limited to, the promotion of research, education, academic exchanges, and consensus on professional and technical matters. We strongly believe that ESS has much to contribute to the education, healthcare, social development, and nation building of societies, and we would like ACESS to be one of the major platforms to deliver these benefits to countries across Asia.


This vision of ACESS will take many decades and generations of ESS practitioners to fulfil. Like many long journeys of development, the most difficult part is to get started and the uphill, in the early part of the growth curve. This journey got started in 2018, with colleagues representing Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam, and we were formally registered in Hong Kong in February 2020. I am most honoured to be given the opportunity by my colleagues to lead the launch and inaugural Management Committee of ACESS as “President.” This appointment is a great responsibility entrusted upon me, and I will do my utmost to put in place the key strategic pillars, to lay a strong foundation for the long-term development of ESS across Asia, within the framework of our vision.


We have pledged in our constitution to be an inclusive society and our aim is to have all 46 countries listed in Olympic Council of Asia to be represented in ACESS. We also aim to serve all members of the ESS ecosystem in Asia, which would include students, teachers, academics, ESS practitioners, business corporations, government agencies, high performance sport managers, coaches, and athletes, just to name a few. If you have an interest in ESS, we hope that you will consider subscribing to ACESS membership. The respective officers of ACESS management committee are working very hard to develop programmes that would serve the needs of the ESS ecosystem in Asia, and I hope that students and colleagues will take advantage of these programmes as they are implemented.


Asia is the world’s largest continent, with 60%, or 4.5 billion of the world population, with diverse culture, living in this space. Given the limited resources in ACESS, we are mindful that it would be near impossible to promote ESS across Asia by ourselves. In this regard, ACESS is always looking for strategic partnerships with like-minded organisations, societies, and government agencies, to share our vision and journey in promoting ESS across Asia. Asia is undergoing a very exciting period of change and is projected to be the epicentre of the world’s trend and development by the end of this century. I sincerely believe that sports and human development are well-position to ride the waves of growth in Asia and that the development of ESS can contribute to this momentum of growth. The 21st century presents a golden opportunity for the ESS ecosystem in Asia, and I urge all colleagues to join, or collaborate with, ACESS to impact individual lives, industries, and societies in Asia. On behalf of my colleagues in ACESS, may I invite you to part of our society.


In the spirit of Exercise and Sports Science



Fabian C.L. Lim (PhD, FACSM)


Asian College of Exercise and Sports Science

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